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Resilence4j Circuit Breaker Spring Webflux

Karanbir Singh
2 min readSep 1, 2021

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Hystrix is no longer in maintenance mode as per the source code’s Readme file.

Using hystrix had a lot of resources online for sure, and was easy to great extent may be because we were used to it 😎.

But learning a new framework always need some extra effort

In the case of resilence4j (which is still not that widely used compared to hystrix) the usage was straight forward enough.

They have great documentation here.

The article which you are interacting with has following expectations from the reader:-

  1. Have real need and interest to learn/implement Circuit Breaker using resilence4J
  2. Have the important tools/setup ready like JDK 11, an IDE, etc.
  3. Have basic understanding of the Spring, Spring boot, etc.
  4. Have some knowledge of the Circuit Breaker (as a concept).

Code Repository is hosted on github link is here (neuw/spring-boot-resilence4j-examples (

The main dependencies required in the code are :-

1. spring-cloud-starter-circuitbreaker-reactor-resilience4j2. spring-boot-starter-aop (without this the circuit breaker does not work)



Karanbir Singh
Karanbir Singh

Written by Karanbir Singh

API developer + Web Application developer + Devops Engineer = Full Stack Developer

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